Well, tonight for the first time in a very long time, I have actually been able to spend a couple of minutes at the computer, checking e-mails, looking at some other blogs, and just generally catching up on the news in the electronic world. For some reason, despite my best efforts, I just can't seem to get any breathing room in my life. It seems like I'm always on the run and always busy, with little time to catch my breath in between.
Christmas is always a busy season, but I thought things might slow down after that. But then it was the Wild Game Supper at our church -- a rousing success with over 125 men and boys coming to enjoy a night of fellowship. Not bad for a church with just 58 members! But, just as soon as that was past, we started getting ready for our Chrysalis Journey, which we held just last weekend.
For those who don't know, the Chrysalis Journey is an off-shoot of the Walk to Emmaus, a three-day ecumenical spiritual retreat sponsored by the Upper Room. The Walk to Emmaus is for adults, while Chrysalis is for those under 25. Chrysalis Flights are for high-school aged kids (15 to 18), while Chrysalis Journeys are for college-aged men and women (19-24).
This was an incredible weekend, and although we only had 21 men go through the Chrysalis Journey, I think it is safe to say that every man there, including those on the team, was touched by God in some way. Several of the young men on the Journey rededicated their lives to Christ and committed to carrying the gospel message back to their campus, to their dorms, and to their families. While I know that there are many such spiritual retreats and many ways to experience a closer walk with Jesus, this is one that many people find particularly enlightening.
Anyway, I am hoping that I have somewhat of a break now for a little while. I am starting back at the Course of Study for the Methodist Church, so I am starting on my pre-work assignments, but I don't think they will be too overwhelming. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more as time goes by. My plans are to get my past several sermons on the blog for those who are interested in them, and to start doing occasional posts on a variety of topics, including a post I'm thinking about on zombies (just in case John the Methodist is lurking).