Sunday, November 17, 2013


"Remember: experiences trump possessions, almost every single time." -- Steve Kamb.

I just ran across this quote in an article about being spontaneous, and I couldn't help but think about the guys who wanted to follow Jesus but just couldn't pull the trigger.

The story is in Luke 9:57-62. Jesus (yes, "that" Jesus), passes by three men who appear to have an interest in following Him. The first says he'll come, but doesn't when Jesus points out that the Son of Man doesn't have a place to lay his head (think: I can't follow because I have financial obligations). Jesus tells the second man, "Come, follow Me," but he says I can't because I have to bury my dead father (think: I can't follow because I have family obligations). The third tells Jesus he will follow, but first he has to say goodbye to his family (think: I can't follow until my children are out of the nest)....

You know those guys, right? You remember their names, right? No, because they let life, with a lower-case "L," keep them from Life, with an upper-case "L." No, because they chose things over experience, stability over spontaneity.

Now, think about the names you do know: Peter, James, John, Andrew -- Jesus said, "Come, follow Me," and they dropped their nets and everything else and followed. Matthew -- Jesus said, "Come, follow Me," and he left his tax collector's booth and followed. Why do you know their names? Because they chose Jesus and Life instead of stability and life.

Does this passage from Luke imply that Jesus wants us to shirk our responsibilities to our families? No, of course not. But it does mean that Jesus wants us to trust Him with our future, to trust Him with our uncertainties, to trust Him to be with us if He calls us to step out and follow Him where He leads.

Can we be spontaneous and stop to help someone broken down by the side of the road when the Holy Spirit whispers to us to do something, even though it's dangerous to stop for people now-a-days and it will make us late to work and possibly get us in trouble with the boss?

Can we be spontaneous and say, "No, I don't need that new CD. I'll go ahead and give this money to the missionary who is speaking in our church when the collection plate comes by for a love offering?"

Can we be spontaneous and go up to someone and say, "God wanted me to just tell you He loves you today and wants you to know that" even though they might look at you like you're a fool?

Can we be spontaneous and say, "Yes, I can go to Brazil or Mexico or Uganda with my church, even though I don't have the time or money. I trust God will make it happen."

Can we start experiencing Life with Jesus rather than just living life in the same old grind day in and day out? Can we start saying "Yes" instead of letting others tell us what we should do? Can we be spontaneous when Jesus says, "Come, follow Me?"