Monday, April 19, 2004

Downfall of a People

In the text that I am currently working through for my class on Hebrew Bible I(Understanding the Old Testament by Anderson and Darr), the authors make a profound statement on page 167:

"History teaches that the downfall of a pepole often begins not with external military pressure, but with internal moral and spiritual degradation."

While they made this statement in the context of the struggle of the ancient Israelites to maintain their faith in a surrounding pagan culture, this statement speaks volumes for the current state of the United States.

I firmly believe that the United States success, from its earliest days until now, is a direct result of the establishment of the nation on Christian principles. I have no doubt that God has blessed us and protected us as a nation for that sole fact alone. No where else has true democracy been able to flourish apart from a strong Christian moral ethic.

We were a Christian nation, founded and supported by Scriptural principles. But, since about 1960, we have seen our country straying from its traditional Christian moorings and drifting about in a cultural morasse. Since 1960, we have seen prayers in schools banned, legalized abortion, the initiation of the gay rights movement, sycretism, and an epistemiological shift in the definition of the term "tolerance." In other words, we have been experiencing wholesale internal moral and spiritual degeneration. If you don't believe me, take a look at your news today and note the increases in crime and violence and disrespect that is running rampant in our society.

How long can God allow this to continue in our country? How long before we are judged and found wanting? How long before we see our country follow the path that Rome followed? Rome was never defeated by an outside entity, but was destroyed by inside moral degradation and licentiousness.

But, the good news of the Bible is that we have a God who has the power to redeem each and every circumstance. All is not lost! A study of the nation of Israel shows that even though the people drifted from God and were judged and punished as a nation, God restored the kingdom following the nation's repentance and wholesale return to Him. What would happen if we were to heed the words of II Chronicles 7:14 and humble ourselves and pray and seek God's face as a nation? His Word is clear -- He would hear us and heal our land and forgive our sin. The current trend towards moral and spiritual decline would be reversed, and we would once again be a nation under God.

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