Saturday, February 20, 2016

What is your answer?

"The answer is 'Yes.' Now what's the question?"

Craig Groeschel told the story of a man greeting his pastor at the back door of the church after the service for three consecutive weeks with this sentence. Instead of the usual, "Good sermon," this man would reply, with emotion in his voice, "The answer is 'Yes.' Now what's the question?"

After the third week, the pastor was curious and asked to meet with the man for coffee. The next day they met, and the man explained his response at the door. "I have been saved. I have found grace through Jesus. My life is different. I am different. And from now on, the answer to anything Jesus wants me to do is 'Yes.' So, pastor, what's the question? What do you need? A friend at 2 am? Yes. The grass at the church mowed? Yes. For me to carry food to someone who is hungry? Yes. The answer is 'Yes.' Now what's the question?"

Are we willing to say the same to Jesus with our lives? Are we willing to stand up and tell Jesus, "The answer is 'Yes.' Now what's the question?"

Something to think about this week as we prepare to gather for worship on Sunday and to serve our God and Savior.

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