Saturday, December 17, 2005


The other day, our local radio station interviewed Eddie Middleton, one of the founders of the Christian contemporary singing group, NewSong. Eddie left the group several years ago and has become a rather prominent evangelist here in the south Georgia and north Florida area.

During this interview, he mentioned a Christmas gift that everyone could give to their families and to their pastors that would be meaningful for years and years. Eddie mentioned that one of the saddest things in the world is going through life without knowing if a loved one is saved or not. I have seen families struggle through this in my ministry -- wives despairing over whether their husbands were Christians -- families at funerals wondering if their loved one was saved or not.

Eddie suggested that everyone could simply write out their testimony -- their story of salvation or a story of how God worked a miraculous change in their life -- and give it to their spouse, their family, or their pastor. Just having the knowledge that a loved one had received Jesus as Lord and Savior would give an immense peace to those who receive a copy of the testimony.

As far as pastors go, I know several pastor friends who have been looking at their ministry and wondering if they have had an impact or not. Just a simple card from a member sharing with the pastor the story of their salvation or some way God had used the pastor to touch their lives would be the most wonderful gift of encouragement this Christmas season.

I would encourage all of you to consider this simple act as a means of encouraging and spreading peace and love with your family and friends this Christmas season.

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