Thursday, April 06, 2006


My mother-in-law has an African Gray parrot named Paco that has learned to imitate human voices perfectly. It can imitate my father-in-law's voice to such a great extent that you would swear he was talking to you.

One day she was sitting in the house with her dog Laia at her feet. All of a sudden, she heard her husband call the dog. "Laia, come." Laia jumped up and ran -- straight to the bird cage! It wasn't her husband, it was Paco! When Laia got near the bird cage, Paco said, "Laia, sit," and Laia sat perfectly. Everytime Laia got up and started to walk away, Paco would yell, "Laia, come. Laia, sit." Paco literally drove Laia crazy by doing this day after day after day.

Things like this can happen in our life, too. While we should be listening for and following the small still voice of God, a lot of times we get distracted by voices that sound a lot like Him but are false. They lead us astray and keep us from listening to our true Master.

We need to learn what the voice of God sounds like by staying close to Him in prayer and through the other spiritual disciplines. That way, we won't be fooled when the voices of the world call us, no matter how attractive they might sound.

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