Saturday, November 21, 2015

Saturday Selections

21 November 2015

            -- this is an excellent article synopsizing a Christian response to the events of last weekend in Paris.  Too often our response tends to be one of anger and revenge.  Ed offers a different path, and I believe, Biblical path. 

2.  This week's Bible verse:  John 1:16 (NIV) “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.”

3.  Prayer Focus: Refugee Crisis and War on Terror
            -- The issue over the Syrian refugees and what the response should be to ISIS’ attack in Paris have resulted in a deep divide in this country.  Please pray for unity in the body of Christ and for a brotherly spirit as we seek to understand God’s will and ask for God’s grace in these situations.

4.  What I’m Reading:  Other than the Bible and my daily devotional, I typically have multiple books going at any one time, usually a work of fiction, a Christian nonfiction, and sometimes another type of nonfiction in one of my areas of interest.
            -- This week finds me in a curious place, as I have just finished one of each and am just starting three new books.  Here’s what I just finished reading:
            -- Fiction:  The Martian by Andy Weir. 
                        -- This was just recently made into a movie that has done well at the box office.  I thoroughly enjoyed this read, although you have to be aware there is some profanities in the book, but, hey, if you are stranded on Mars with no hope of rescue, profanities would certainly come to mind.  As a scientist, I enjoyed the reality of the story and the science was accurate.  It was well-written, entertaining, and kept me guessing throughout the entire book.  An easy, enjoyable read that I highly recommend.
            -- Christian Nonfiction:  Jesus Killed My Church by Randy Bohlender.
                        -- When you pick up a Kindle Daily Deal for free, you never know what you’re going to find.  The title piqued my interest, so I added it to my collection.  Just to summarize, this book is a short synopsis of the ministry of Randy Bohlender, from his calling to be a pastor, his struggles as a youth pastor after college, and then how Jesus led him from the confines of his traditional denominational structure to a more expressive worship style.  Along the way, Bohlender discovered that there is freedom in experiencing God outside of the “normal” ways of doing church, and ended up leaving the church he planted to follow God’s call to a parachurch prayer ministry.  An interesting read and not a lot different than the path I seem to be following, although our “unintentional microchurch” that we planted has not closed.
            -- Nonfiction:  The Four-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
                        -- I like Tim Ferriss.  I enjoyed the Four-Hour Workweek and I enjoyed this book, although I think most of what he proposes in the book is not practical for most people.  Ferriss is an entrepreneur and has time and resources to spend in experimenting on his health and well-being in ways the rest of can’t.  And this book is a huge tome on his experiments and his results from those experiments.  However, I don’t believe what worked for Ferriss will necessarily work for others.  Our bodies and our levels of fitness are just too different for a one-size fits all approach.  It was an interesting read, but the big take-away for me was experiment on yourself.  Try different things, write down the results, and if it works, keep doing it, and if it doesn’t, try something else.  

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