Friday, July 30, 2004

Naylor and Wright's Chapel Charge Weekly Newsletter

Well, it is Friday and I've finally gotten around to getting a post out, as promised. Sorry it's so late, but I was off work today and spent the entire day catching up on chores around the house that have been neglected while I was in Atlanta at the Methodist Course of Study.

Speaking of which, this year's Course of Study was outstanding. I can't say I experienced any ground-breaking new truths, but I did learn quite a bit in both my classes (Hebrew Bible I and Preaching). The preaching class really challenged me, and you may see a little difference in the presentation of sermons from now on. One major change that I am going to be attempting over the next little while is mastering the art of preaching without notes. This will be a real challenge, and I would appreciate your prayers in this regard. I have prayed about it, and I believe that this will open me up more in the pulpit and will possibly create better attentiveness with the listeners.

One quick word of congratulations has to go out to Amy and Richard Nolan. They are the proud parents of Ansley Elisabeth Nolan, born yesterday morning a little after 11:00 am. Both mother and baby are doing well, and they should be home resting by now.

Also, birthday wishes go out to the following people who had birthdays this past week and the week to come: Ann Dukes, Jamie Deloach, Dot McLeod, Logan Hill, Daisy Corbett, Beverly Highsmith, and Derek Herring. If you see these people this week, be sure and wish them a happy birthday! And best wishes also got out to Fred and Gloria Foster on the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary! If I missed your birthday or anniversary, let me know so I can add you to my calendar.

We still have plenty of room for the Promise Keeper's event this weekend if any of the men in the church are interested in going. We have a room reserved in Atlanta near the airport for Friday night, and will catch the Marta to Phillip's Arena for the event. We'll plan on leaving Valdosta around 12:00 noon and will get back around 10:00 pm Saturday night.

Men -- don't forget the Bishop's Invitational Rally at Tallahassee on 14 August. It runs from 9:30 to 3:30, and we'll leave from the Wright's Chapel parking lot in time to get there for the events. Make sure and let either me or Jack Sanders know if you wish to attend. We had a good turn-out for the last one, and we'd like to see each of you there this year! There is an outstanding nationally known speaker this year, Dr. Tony Campolo, who has been featured on Focus on the Family and on other major radio shows.

I am still working on my sermon for this week, but I do know the subject and have a good lead on scriptures. This week we will be continuing in our series on the foundational elements of Christianity and will be focusing on the doctrine of justification by faith and original sin. The text right now will be coming from Romans 3:21-26, but this may change as the Lord leads. Please go ahead and read this passage, along with Romans 5:18-19 and Ephesians 4:8-9 to prepare for this week's message.

Your brother in Christ,


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