Monday, January 24, 2005

Worst Day Ever?

In an article on MSNBC, Jennifer Carlile reports on the findings of Dr. Cliff Arnall that Monday, January 24th, is historically the worst day of the year.  Here's an excerpt from her article:
"Dr. Cliff Arnall's calculations show that misery peaks Monday.

Arnall, who specializes in seasonal disorders at the University of Cardiff, Wales, created a formula that takes into account numerous feelings to devise peoples' lowest point.

The model is: [W + (D-d)] x TQ
                          M x NA

The equation is broken down into seven variables: (W) weather, (D) debt, (d) monthly salary, (T) time since Christmas, (Q) time since failed quit attempt, (M) low motivational levels and (NA) the need to take action."

The end result, according to Dr. Arnall, is SAD -- Seasonal Affective Disorder -- also known as winter depression.

Now, after reviewing Dr. Arnall's equation above and taking into account the variables in my own life, I am in pretty bad shape.  Today is the coldest day we've had in south Georgia, the first of the Christmas debt has hit, my salary is not what I wanted, etc.

But, yet, I am not depressed.  Why?  Because Dr. Arnall forgot to add one more variable to his equation.  Here is Dr. Arnall's equation as revised by me:


       M x NA        


What do you think? 

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