Friday, February 04, 2005

SpongeBob and Buster

Well, unless you've been living under a rock for the past week or so, you've by now heard about the controversies involving Sponge Bob and Buster, cartoon characters that have been accused of spreading a pro-homosexuality message to our kids and grandkids.  Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family started the uproar with a scathing indictment of the use of SpongeBob in a video being sent to elementary schools for use in a tolerance curriculum, and Ms. Spelling, the current Secretary of Education, entered the fray by condemning an episode of Buster the Rabbit where he visits the children of two lesbian couples.  Why the uproar?  Is Dr. Dobson really saying, as some media have reported, that SpongeBob is gay? 
Here's the bottomline of this controversy, summed up in just a few words.  No, neither Dr. Dobson or Ms. Spelling are trying to say that cartoon characters are gay.  But, their concern is that pro-homosexual groups are using these cartoon characters to promote their agenda.  It's not an issue about cartoon characters, but over the use of questionable advertising that aims to sway the minds of impressionable children by using their favorite characters.  "But Mommy, SpongeBob says we should be tolerant and accept all other lifestyles!"  The videos in themselves are not explicitly pro-homosexual, but through the use of words such as "tolerance" and "diversity" and, more importantly, accompanied with the supporting information for teacher use, these programs are clear in their agenda -- to promote pro-homosexual policies through the indoctrination of our children.  This is just as harmful as the current crop of Saturday morning cartoons, which are nothing more than 30-minute advertisements for the current and hottest toys on the markets.  Cartoons and videos such as this are not being put forth simply for entertainment any more, they are being used to promote agendas, whether that is advertising for toys or convincing children that there is nothing wrong with same sex marriage.
Abraham Lincoln once said that the philosophy of the school yard in one generation would be the philosophy of the nation in the next.  In other words, what our children learn in the way of morals and rights now will become the policy of our nation in the future.  Having failed in the public arena to get same-sex marriage and pro-homosexual agendas accepted by the majority of Americans, activists are now turning to the school yard, being willing to wait a generation of so for their dream of "tolerance" and "diversity" to be made manifest.  As a strong proponent of family values based on a traditional Judeo-Christian ethic, I applaud Dr. Dobson for taking up the fight and turning the spotlight onto the actions of these activists.

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