Sunday, June 03, 2012


            I was driving to work the other day when I saw it -- the sign.  Now, in our lives in this world today, seeing signs is no big deal.  We pass signs almost every moment of every day.  Driving to work, I pass right by advertisements on billboards, signs announcing the location of restaurants and muffler shops and every other business in the world.

            It seems like everyone has a sign.  Even churches have signs -- not only signs advertising their location, but many also have signs so they can put out those catchy phrases to entertain and convict and invite others to join them.  Phrases like "Stop, drop, and roll won't help you in Hell," "Free trip to Heaven -- Details Inside!" and "How will you spend eternity -- smoking or nonsmoking?"

            Everywhere you look, everyone has a sign.  Everyone has a message that they're trying to get out -- "Shop here -- visit here -- look at us."  But regardless of the sign, one thing's for certain -- the message that they're shouting out is always directed at us.  They want us to read their sign.  They want us to be swayed by their message.  They want our lives to be changed in one way or the other because we saw their message and were drawn to their shop, restaurant, church, etc.

            But then there is "The Sign."  The sign I saw on the way to work.  The sign that was different.  It was one of those large signs with the arrow that lets you change the message by switching out letters.  You see them everywhere, with their flashing neon lights and their visible colors and their enticing messages.  But this one was different.

            It was a simple black-and-white sign.  The arrow didn't point anywhere -- it was just focused towards an empty field.  But that wasn't what was important.  The message was what caught my eye.

            In black letters on that white sign, I read, "God, You Reign."  That was it.  Three simple words but a life-changing message.  This sign wasn't put there to get my attention.  This message wasn't for me.  It wasn't trying to get me to buy anything or eat anywhere or even visit a particular church.  It was a message to God, standing in a field, for Him and His glory alone.

            "God, You Reign."  What an amazing message.  What an amazing sign.  As I drove by that first morning, the sun was rising, just peaking up behind the trees.  The light filtered down, a slight mist in the field illuminated by the rising sun.  Birds flitted from tree to tree.  The grass swayed in the caress of a gentle breeze.  All creation, it seemed, was speaking the same message:  "God, You Reign."

            That sign spoke to my heart.  It convicted my soul.  It reminded me of what was truly important, of why we were put here on this earth in the first place.  Despite what we're told by all those other signs, it's not about us.  It's about Him. 

            That sign wasn't trying to impress anyone.  It didn't care what the world thought.  It didn't worry one moment about how it looked and the fact that the neon lights weren't flashing.  It existed for one purpose and one purpose only -- to bring glory to God by speaking directly to Him.

            How many times do we get up in the morning and think that the world revolves only around us?  We rush around trying to get ourselves ready for work or school.  We complain about the slow drivers who are holding us up.  We wait impatiently for the car ahead of us in the fast food lane, who is keeping us from getting our breakfast.  We remind ourselves as we head out for the day, "I've got to do this today.  I've got to go here.  I've got to buy this."  And, if we're honest, we race through our morning devotions to see what we can get out of it, not to hear what God is saying.  I, I, I.  We, we we.  Ourself, ourselves.  Mine, mine, mine.

            That sign showed more faith and gave more glory to God than I show on an average morning.  God, this message is for You and You alone.  It is for Your eyes and for Your glory.  God, You Reign.  God, You are God.  God, You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  God, You are what is important.  God, You are great.  God, You are worthy.  God, all glory is Yours and Yours alone.

            Just something to think about as this new day begins.

            In Christ,

            Pastor Greg

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