Saturday, January 20, 2018


Community Fellowship Church, Valdosta, GA
7 January 2018

I.  Introduction
            -- if you have your Bibles, please go ahead and turn over to Matthew 28:18-20
            -- while you’re doing that, I want to open by the story of Larry Walters
            -- at the time this happened, Larry Walters was a 33-year old truck driver from Los Angeles who really didn’t have a lot going on in his life
            -- he’d get up and go to work and then eventually make his way back home after his long haul -- but he really didn’t do a whole lot -- even on the weekends when he wasn’t working
            -- typically, Larry spent his weekends sitting in his backyard, eating lunch and staring at the houses around him in the subdivision where he lived -- not a very exciting life at all
            -- one day, Larry was sitting there and he just got so bored that he decided to do something -- he went out and bought 45 big weather balloons and a tank of helium -- his plan was to tie the balloons to his lawn chair, fill them with helium, and float up for an aerial view of his neighborhood
            -- he figured he would only go up about 100 feet, but just in case, he got his BB gun and loaded it and put it in his lap -- if he got up too high, he figured he could regulate his altitude by just shooting out a couple of balloons
            -- so first he secured his lawn chair to the ground, then he filled the balloons with helium -- one by one he tied them to his chair -- before lift-off he went back in the house and got a sandwich and something to drink to carry with him on his trip
            -- then he went out and sat in his lawn chair -- he told his neighbors to cut the rope when he was ready -- he yelled "Let's go!" and the neighbors cut the rope
            -- but he didn't go up 100 feet -- he went up 11,000 feet!  Shot straight up in the air!  -- and you might be thinking, what about the BB gun? -- that turned out to be useless because he using both hands to hang on to the chair for dear life
            -- Larry zoomed straight up into the landing pattern for the Los Angeles Airport -- pilots were reporting that they saw a man in a lawn chair flying past their planes -- eventually, they sent up helicopters to rescue Larry
            -- after they got him down, the news reporters asked Larry if he was going to do it again -- Larry said "No." -- Then they asked him, "What in the world made you do it the first time?" -- Larry thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, you can't just sit there."

            -- so, what does this true story have to do with us this evening? -- Well, Larry Walters is right -- we can't just sit here -- God has something exciting for us to do with our lives -- He doesn't want us to just sit by on the sidelines and watch the world go by -- He wants us to be a participant -- to live and to let Christ live through us
            -- and I can't think of a better time to reflect on this call to action than right here at the start of a new year -- the time when we put the past behind us and look to the future -- the time when we resolve to change things in our lives or to do something different in the next year
            -- as Jesus tells us in John 10:10, "I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full" or as the King James version says, "have life more abundantly"
            -- the way we do this is to live out the commandments of God -- to be obedient to His instructions
            -- since we are at the start of the new year, it might be helpful to think of these as New Year's Resolutions suggested by God -- let's look at some of them right now

II.  God's Resolutions
            -- this will require us to look at several passages of scripture -- but I've gotten them arranged so they start in Matthew and go in consecutive order

            A.  Matthew 28:18-20
-- look with me now at this familiar passage from Matthew 28:18-20

Matthew 28:18-20  New International Version (NIV)
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

            -- you know this passage -- you’ve heard it many times before -- we know it as the Great Commission from Christ -- the final words of the gospel of Matthew -- the final instructions from Jesus before He ascended to heaven
            -- you know about it -- but have you ever done anything with it? -- as Bob Goff said, “No one is remembered because of what they planned to do” -- you’re only remembered by what you actually did do
            -- in this passage, Jesus gives us several commandments that we can take and turn into resolutions for this new year -- things that we are going to commit to go out and actually do
            -- the first resolution God gives us for this next year is to "Go and make disciples of all the nations" -- this is the call to missions -- it is the call to spreading Christianity -- to spreading the good news of Christ to all those we come into contact with
            -- we tend to think that missions means we go to a far off country and minister to people in those places -- the call to missions does not mean we have to leave the United States -- it does not mean we have to leave Georgia -- we can fulfill this call to missions by simply telling others we meet about Christ
            -- do you know what country receives more missionaries than any other country in the world? -- we personally know missionaries who have left here and gone to Mexico and to Guatemala and to Papua, New Guinea, to tell people about Jesus -- so, what country does God send more missionaries to than any other country?
            -- would it surprise you to find out it’s the United States? -- we receive more missionaries than any other country in the world -- this means that the Christians in the other nations in the world are so concerned about the spiritual state of America that they send more missionaries here than anywhere else
            -- back when Mother Teresa was still alive, a couple from the US went to visit her in India and offered to minister with her there -- they wanted to get involved with what she was doing, so they asked her, “What can we do for Christ?” -- she told them, “Go home and minister there”
            -- so, the first resolution we can make for God is to simply tell the people you meet here about Jesus

            -- the second resolution that we see in this passage is that we are to teach these new disciples everything God has commanded us to do -- in order to grow, these new disciples must be taught -- they must be instructed through Bible study -- through teaching of the Word -- where are the Commandments of God?  In the Bible
-- so we must help our disciples to get in the word and to learn to study and apply all that they read, as led by the Holy Spirit -- since none of us are Bible scholars, this means that we must also be in the Word so we can help those we are teaching -- if we are going to help teach the Bible, then we have to know what it says ourselves -- what you might just find out is what I learned while teaching Sunday School -- I learned more from the Bible preparing for the Sunday School lesson than those I taught -- this resolution to teach new disciples will also help us to learn
-- this goes along well with what we see in Philemon 6 -- Paul wrote there: “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ”
-- as we read and study -- as we share our faith -- we grow in our understanding and knowledge of Christ -- we move from knowing about God to knowing Him personally -- to experiencing Him in our lives

B.  Hebrews 10:22-25
-- turn in Bibles to Hebrews 10:22-25 -- there are several commands in this passage that we can turn into New Year’s resolutions in this passage

-- look at verse 22

22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

            -- first resolution is to draw near to God -- what greater action can we take in this next year than to draw near to God -- to seek His face and His blessings and His grace in our lives -- the Bible tells us that when we draw near to God, He draws near to us
            -- let me ask you, are you where you want to be with God in your life right now?
            -- do you want to be closer to God in this new year? 
            -- the way you do that is given to us right here -- we have to take the first step -- we have to draw near to Him -- in prayer -- by reading the Bible -- by sharing our faith -- by meeting with other Christians
            -- and, if we do that, He will draw near to us
            -- so, if you’re not happy with where you are with God right now, then commit to drawing near to Him in the new year

            -- verse 23

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

-- this verse is basically just telling us to resolve to trust God -- it says that since God is faithful, we can trust Him -- because God is faithful, we can hold fast to the hope and the truth that He has given us
            -- I can tell you this as a fact -- you can’t trust other people in the same way you can trust God -- this year, someone is going to betray your trust -- they’re going to make a promise to you and then break it -- they’re going to turn away from you in your time of need -- they’re going to hurt you -- it’s just who we are -- we are flawed beings -- we not God
            -- but God promises to be faithful to you -- He will never leave you or forsake you -- even if you turn away from Him, He’s still going to be there waiting for you to come back -- you can trust Him -- you can put your faith in Him -- you can put your hope in Him
            -- so, this new year, resolve to trust God -- there’s an easy way for you to remember this resolution in the new year -- just pull out a coin from your pocket and read and do what it says: "In God We Trust" -- and, every time you read that -- every time you see a coin -- make a commitment to trust God again

            -- verse 24

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

            -- these verses are about strengthening each other -- about holding each other up as we journey along together in this new year
            -- the author of Hebrews tells us here to resolve to encourage others in their lives -- to build them up -- to help them grow -- to pick them up when they fall
            -- that means you are there for them -- that means there are people in your life who have your back, no matter what
            -- what we are really talking about is being the church -- not a building -- not a sign -- not a denomination -- not a creed
            -- just people who love God loving others
            -- the writer here says, “Don’t give up meeting together” -- do you know why? -- because we need each other -- there are times in all of our lives when we’re weak or we’re tired or we have fallen down, and we need someone there to pull us back up -- to encourage us -- to walk with us
            -- there are times when we need to do the same to someone else -- to give them a hand when they need it -- to help them back up when they fall
            -- don’t give up meeting together -- be the church this year -- don’t just come together on a Sunday or a Wednesday, but be the church 24/7
            -- I like what Bob Goff said about church:

"Church [is] a vibrant community of people consisting of two or more [people] of varied backgrounds gathering around Jesus. Sometimes they are at a place that might have a steeple or auditorium seating. But it's just as likely that church happens elsewhere, like coffee shops or on the edge of a glacier or in the bush in Uganda. All of these places work just fine, I suppose. When it's a matter of the heart, the place doesn't matter. For me, it's Jesus plus nothing, not even a building."  

            -- who is the church? -- we are -- and we can be the church to someone else by just meeting with them this year -- as Jesus said, “When two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there”

V.  Closing
            -- so, let me close this
            -- new years are times for new beginnings -- there are times to commit to making a change -- to doing something different in your life
            -- like Larry Walters said, “We just can’t sit there” -- we need to be doing something with Jesus in our lives every day of this new year
            -- God gave us these commands in His word -- not to force us to do anything -- not because our salvation depended on them -- but He gave us these commands because through them, we would know life -- we would know Him -- and we would experience all that He has for us
            -- so, I want to challenge you to commit to new life with Him this year -- trust God -- remember that every time you see a coin -- trust Him -- draw near to Him -- read His word -- pray to Him -- invite Him into your life everyday
            -- tell others about Jesus -- walk with them in their lives -- share with them God’s commands and His plan for an abundant life with Him -- encourage them to do good things -- and be the church -- just be there for someone else this year
            -- will you commit to doing these things this year?
            -- let’s pray

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