Sunday, July 14, 2024


 As everyone knows, on 13 July 2024, a gunman attempted to take former President Trump's life as he spoke at a rally in Pennsylvania.  Thankfully, the attempt was unsuccessful and President Trump was safely removed from the site with minor wounds.  At least one spectator was killed, another injured, and the gunman was killed.

Regardless of the political ramifications of this event and the potential it has to further divide our country, as Christians there is one clear response that we should follow.  While some may deride "thoughts and prayers" as useless platitudes, the truth remains that prayer is an integral part of our faith.  As Christians, we believe in the presence, power, and grace of our Lord God, and through prayer, we unite ourselves with Him and offer praise and worship, intercession for others, and requests for God's divine providence in our own lives.

Regardless of your particular political persuasion, regardless of what political party you may follow, let us join together in prayer today for our nation, for our leaders, and for the people and the families of those who were killed or injured in yesterday's event.  

Let us pray for the peace of God to fall on our country.  Let us pray for the wisdom of God to fill us.  Let us pray for clarity and direction in the days ahead, and that God would use this event to express His grace and mercy to His people and this nation.  Let us pray that we would trust God to respond in justice and that no one would seek to exact retribution or vengeance outside His will.

Let us pray that God's peace would fill and comfort those who lost loved ones yesterday, and that He would be with their families and their loved ones in this time of loss.

Let us pray that God would continue to heal those who were injured and would take away their pain and discomfort.  

Let us pray that our leaders are protected by His grace, and that if they do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that the Spirit would lead them to the cross and point them to the path of salvation.  Let us pray that all in our country come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus and put their faith and trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins, for salvation, and for eternal life with Him.

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