Sunday, August 11, 2024



Naylor Community Christian Church

Naylor, Georgia


I.  Introduction

            -- turn in Bibles to 1 Kings 19:11-19a


1 Kings 19:11-19

New International Version


11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”


Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.


Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”


14 He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”


15 The Lord said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. 16 Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. 17 Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu. 18 Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.”


19a So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat.


            -- I want everybody to look at me for a moment -- mark your place and then close your Bibles -- put down anything you’re holding -- don’t look at anyone else -- put aside all distractions -- and then I want you to look up here and just focus on the altar and the cross for one minute in silence

            -- don’t close your eyes -- don’t look around -- don’t do anything -- don’t fiddle with your hands -- don’t move -- just look up here and sit in total silence for one minute -- everyone got it?

-- give me just a second to join you, and then we’ll start -- okay, let’s begin [time 1 minute of silence]


            -- now, I want you to think about that experience -- how easy was it for you to just sit there in silence and do nothing? -- if you’re like me, it’s a little unnerving to do that -- a little uncomfortable -- in our day and age, we’re just not used to sitting quietly in silence with nothing else going on

            -- we tried to watch the news the other day, and the TV station went dark -- there was no sound -- no picture -- nothing -- and we all began to panic -- turning the TV on and off -- trying different channels -- we couldn’t just sit and wait for a moment to see if it would come back on -- we were uncomfortable sitting and waiting in silence

            -- I had a friend post online one time that they went to Starbucks and there was a guy just sitting there at a table with a cup of coffee, doing nothing -- he didn’t have his phone -- he didn’t have a book -- he wasn’t waiting for anyone -- he wasn’t talking to anyone -- he was just sitting there, by himself, drinking a cup of coffee in silence -- and my friend said, “There was something wrong with him”


-- sitting quietly -- sitting in silence and not doing anything is not normal anymore because we are so used to living in this world of constant noise and motion and activity that we’ve lost the ability to just sit and be still -- to be quiet and do nothing but listen

-- we’ve reached the place where we tend to always need something to engage us -- to distract us -- to occupy our minds -- whether that’s our phones or music or TV or books or whatever -- it’s hard for us to just sit and do nothing these days -- we just saw that when I had us just sit and be quiet for just one minute as we started this message


-- I’ve even noticed that when people go out into nature these days, rather than just engaging in the silence of creation, we’re filling that silence with other things

-- when we went to the beach last week on a day trip, we finally got down to the water’s edge and set up our chairs only to be greeted by multiple Bluetooth speakers and phones blasting music -- and different music, at that

-- I went backpacking one time and in the middle of the wilderness, I got passed by a guy with a Bluetooth speaker attached to his backpack that was playing music as he walked by


-- we are a people who are uncomfortable with silence -- with being still -- with just being quiet and doing nothing but sitting and not moving for a moment -- we have been so saturated and inundated with noise and activity our whole lives that we don’t know what to do without it

            -- and what makes this so troublesome is that in the midst of all that noise and cacophony -- in the midst of the chaos and the activity -- in the midst of us always needing something to engage our minds and our eyes and our ears -- God is there with us -- He is speaking to us -- He is calling out to us -- but we just can’t hear Him or see Him or experience Him because we’re distracted by everything else around us

            -- we need to learn how to hear God again -- we need to learn how to be intentional about listening and looking for God in our lives -- even in the midst of this noisy and chaotic world -- because God is calling out to us -- He is speaking to us -- and if we don’t hear His voice, we won’t be able to follow Him or do what He says


            -- this morning we are going to be starting a sermon series called “Hearing God” -- it's about learning how to hear God's voice again -- it's a study into the various ways that God normally speaks to us -- as we read the Bible -- as we study His interactions with people -- we learn that God speaks to us in four primary ways:  His word -- prayer -- the church -- and circumstances

            -- let me go ahead and say up front that these four ways are the usual ways that God speaks to us -- I know people who have heard God in an audible voice -- I know others who have had experiences with angels who brought God's message to them directly

-- but these are extraordinary experiences and not the normal means by which God has chosen to communicate with His people -- the four means by which God usually speaks to His people are through the Bible, prayer, the church, and circumstances -- and, as we’ll see as we go through this series, that order is important

-- but before we begin exploring the ways that God speaks to us, we need to first prepare ourselves and put ourselves in a place where we will hear Him and recognize Him and see Him when He does speak or enter our presence

-- so, let’s begin by looking at the example of Elijah here in 1 Kings 19


II.  Scripture Lesson (1 Kings 19:11-19a)

            -- before we turn to this passage, let me give you the background and context so you know what’s going on here

-- just to remind you, Elijah was a prophet of God -- he ministered in the northern tribe of Israel -- as you may know, the nation of Israel was divided after Solomon’s death into two tribes -- 10 tribes rebelled against Solomon’s son Rehoboam and formed the nation of Israel to the north and the tribes of Judah and Benjamin joined together to form the southern kingdom of Judah

-- sometimes you’ll see the northern kingdom of Israel called Ephraim or Samaria in the Bible -- so, if you’re reading in the Old Testament and see references to Israel, Ephraim, or Samaria after the death of Solomon, know that these are all the same place -- it refers to the northern kingdom of Israel

-- this is where Elijah was from -- this was the people that he ministered to as the prophet of God -- Elijah was God’s voice and God’s prophet during the reign of the evil King Ahab and his wife Jezebel -- these two had led Israel into idolatry and made the religions of Baal and Asherah the national religions

-- it all came to a head on Mount Carmel, when Elijah confronted the priests of Baal and Asherah in a trial by fire -- and God proved Himself to be the God of Israel by lighting Elijah’s offerings on fire -- this led to Elijah killing the false prophets of Baal and the people repenting of their sin of idolatry and turning back to following God -- which incensed Ahab and Jezebel

-- Jezebel swore to kill Elijah, so Elijah was afraid and ran for his life from Ahab and Jezebel -- he went off into the wilderness and hid under a broom tree, where the Lord provided food for him and eventually led him to Mount Horeb, the mountain of God -- where Elijah sought refuge in a cave in the mountains to hide from Jezebel

-- which brings us to our passage for this morning


-- look with me again now at 1 Kings 19:11


1 Kings 19:11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”


Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.


Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”


-- so, here’s Elijah -- he has just had this amazing spiritual victory on Mount Carmel where God showed Himself and His power in such a mighty way that the entire nation turned back to Him

-- but because of Jezebel’s threats against him, Elijah took his eyes off God and literally ran for the hills -- he’s on Mount Horeb -- living in a cave -- hiding from Jezebel and the world -- and living in fear for his life -- when the Lord comes and speaks to him and tells him to go out and stand on the mountain, for the presence of the Lord was going to pass by


            -- now I think there are a couple of important lessons that we can learn about hearing and experiencing God from this example of Elijah


            -- first, we need to be familiar with the ways God normally speaks to us

            -- the last time Elijah experienced God’s presence in a noticeable way was when he was on Mount Carmel, surrounded by all the priests of Baal

-- it was noisy -- it was chaotic -- the priests of Baal and Asherah were screaming out to their gods and flailing themselves and making a lot of noise -- and it was in the midst of that chaos that God chose to declare Himself God in a miraculous way by sending fire from heaven to burn up the sacrifice on Elijah’s altar -- everyone saw and heard God at that moment

-- now, if that happened today, there would be those who would assume that this is the only way to hear from God and have Him respond to our prayers -- that this is the way to revive the church -- they would write books -- they would give sermons and messages -- they would lead workshops -- telling everyone that if you want God to come, you need to do it just like Elijah did -- that you need to build an altar in the center of town and cry out to God to come down in fire

-- so, Elijah is there in his cave on Mount Horeb and he is told that the presence of the Lord was going to pass by -- so, he goes out expecting God to appear this time like He did the last time -- in an amazing and extraordinary way -- in the midst of noise and chaos and activity

-- and, sure enough, a great and powerful wind came up and tore the mountain apart and shattered the rocks -- and Elijah has to be thinking, “Here He comes -- the Lord is passing by” -- but the Lord was not in the wind

-- next an earthquake happens -- and it shakes the very foundation of Mount Horeb -- and Elijah feels the ground tremble beneath him and he thinks, “This is it -- the Lord must be passing by” -- but the Lord was not in the earthquake

-- next a great fire came -- flames engulfed the mountain -- the vegetation burned around him -- and Elijah thought to himself, “The Lord is passing by” -- but the Lord was not in the fire

-- finally, after the fire, there was a gentle whisper -- and when Elijah heard the gentle whisper, he went out, pulled his cloak over his face to hide himself from the holiness of the Lord God Almighty, and stood at the mouth of the cave -- it was then that he heard the voice of God speaking

            -- when God speaks to us -- when He calls us into His presence -- it will usually be in the four ways we read about in the Bible -- through His word, through prayer, through the church, and through circumstances

            -- God is probably not going to descend on this altar today in fire to get our attention -- He’s not going to send a great and powerful wind or an earthquake or a fire, like He did with Elijah -- but He’s going to speak to us in a gentle whisper -- which brings us to the next discovery in these verses


            -- in order to hear God, we have to be actively listening for God

            -- we’re not going to hear God in the noise and chaos of this world -- if we are spending out whole lives engulfed in noise and activity, we’re going to miss God when He speaks in a gentle whisper to our hearts

-- Elijah assumed God was going to be in the wind and the earthquake and the fire, but it was only when he quieted himself -- when he got still and listened in the silence -- that he heard God calling out to him -- we have to do the same

 -- this is one of the biggest problems that we have as Christians today trying to hear when God speaks to us -- we're not actively listening -- we're listening to everything else around us and we're just not hearing God when He speaks

            -- in the last several years I have become aware of a hearing problem that I have -- not that I have any great hearing loss -- I've had that checked -- my problem is that I tend to hear background noise more than what I should be listening to -- I get distracted and don’t hear when people speak

            -- I noticed it when Kim came in and started a conversation with me by saying, “You’re not even listening, are you?” -- I thought that was a silly way to start a conversation, but I realized that even though I was trying to hear her, I was instead hearing the noise around me -- it wasn’t intentional, but I had missed what she was saying -- so, I’ve tried to make everyone aware of that so they can make sure they have my attention and I can shut off the TV or whatever else is going on and I can actively listen to them

            -- that’s what we have to learn to do with God -- in order to hear God, we have to be actively listening for His voice -- we have to be aware of His presence and focused on Him in order to know when He is talking to us -- and once we learn to recognize His voice -- once we are attuned to Him -- then it will be easier to hear Him and focus on Him even in the midst of the noise and chaos of this world

            -- that's why it's a good idea to follow the examples in Scripture and get away to a quiet place when you are trying to hear from God -- over time, as you walk longer with God and get used to hearing Him on a regular basis, you might reach the point where you can hear Him at any time and in any place -- no matter what is going on -- but to do that you need to be actively listening for Him


            -- third, we need to respond when God speaks         

            -- look back at the second part of verse 13 here


1 Kings 19:13b Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”


14 He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”


15 The Lord said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. 16 Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. 17 Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu. 18 Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.”


19a So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat.


            -- when God speaks, He does so for a reason -- God doesn't just call us up to chat -- He calls us into His presence because He wants to tell us something or to have us do something

-- for that reason, when God speaks, we are expected to respond -- we are expected to acknowledge His presence -- to hear His voice -- and to do what He tells us to do -- just as Elijah does here

-- when Elijah finally learned to listen for God in the silence and he heard God speak in a gentle whisper, God asked Elijah, “What are you doing here? -- Why are you here? -- Why aren’t you serving Me as I called you to do?”

            -- it does no good to learn to listen to God's voice if you don't do what He tells you to do


            -- we can go to every church service and Bible study until we get calluses on our backsides from sitting in the pews so long, but unless we are doing something with what we are hearing -- unless we are actively listening and responding to God's word, we are just wasting our time -- just like Elijah sitting in a cave on Mount Horeb having a pity party

            -- Elijah responds to God by telling Him everything he has done for God -- “I have been zealous for you -- I have proclaimed your word -- I have done everything to exalt you in Israel -- but the Israelites have rejected you and put your prophets to the sword and now Jezebel is after me”

            -- that’s all well and good -- but what have you done for me lately? -- what are doing for me now?


            -- we’re getting ready for college football season -- and my beloved Georgia Bulldogs have had a good run lately -- National Champions for two of the last three years -- it was a long time coming -- we had to wait 41 years after our last National Championship until we got our next one in 2021 -- so, we’ve had a good run

            -- but let me tell you this -- we don’t want to hear that from Kirby Smart and this team -- we don’t want to get to the end of this season and hear about the past -- we want to know what you’re going to do this year -- we want to hear how the Bulldogs are going to go out and win another National Championship -- it’s not about living in the past -- it’s not about what we’ve done before -- it’s about what we’re going to do in the future

            -- and that is what God tells Elijah here -- He listens to Elijah’s whining and hears about all the things that Elijah did for Him in the past -- and He asks him, “What are you doing here?”  -- in other words, “you’re in the wrong place -- I didn’t call you to just do what you did -- I called you for more”

            -- so, God tells Elijah to get up and go back the way he had come -- to go to the desert of Damascus and anoint Hazael as King over Aram and Jehu as King over Israel and Elisha as the next prophet of God

            -- “Get up and get moving -- you’re not done yet”

            -- when we hear God speak -- no matter how He speaks -- we need to do what He tells us to do

            -- if all we’re doing is coming to church and listening to God’s word and studying God’s word in Bible study and taking notes, but then we don’t do anything with what we’ve heard God say, then we’re missing the point -- God is not speaking to us just so we will study His word -- He’s not just speaking to us for us to hear Him and talk about the experience -- God is speaking to us to tell us what He wants us to do, and He expects us to go and do what He said

            -- here’s the key point -- when the God of all the universe takes the time to speak to us, we need to respond to His word

            -- Elijah finally got this point when God called him out -- “What are you doing here, Elijah?” -- and when God gave Elijah a to-do list -- to his credit -- Elijah finally got up -- quit having his little pity party -- and he did what God told him to do

-- so, we need to get in the place where we can hear God and see God and know God when He speaks -- we need to actively listen to what He says -- and then we have to act on what He tells us to do -- that’s the process -- and that’s what we are going to discuss over the next few weeks


III.  Closing

            -- I want to bring this to a close by sharing an example from my own life about doing these very things -- getting into a place where we can hear God -- actively listening to God -- and then doing what He tells us to do


            -- it seems like we’ve always had a problem with vehicles -- even right now, my truck is in the shop -- so, back in the day, we had three vehicles that we kept running just to ensure that we would always have a spare

            -- several years ago, our main vehicle was an Isuzu pickup -- that was the vehicle we used for trips and running errands and everything else -- it was the newest vehicle we had, and it was in pretty good shape

            -- one day, we were going to a Christmas party, and we went across a railroad track in town, and the truck started making a funny noise -- it lost power -- it would barely go -- we limped on to the party and then back home -- but it was obvious that our best vehicle was broke -- which was a big problem because we didn’t have money to get the truck fixed -- and we needed a dependable vehicle to get to work and back

            -- it was Christmas season -- I was off work for a few days -- and I spent those few days having a pity party like Elijah -- I worried about what we were going to do when I had to go back to work -- I tried to figure it out -- I agonized over the situation -- starting feeling sorry for myself and blaming God for everything and praying for Him to fix the problem -- I was walking around outside and just ranting quietly in my heart to God -- and it was at that moment, I saw a flash of light

            -- it wasn’t a supernatural messenger from God -- God didn’t send down fire from heaven -- it wasn’t even a miracle where money just fell from the sky or someone stopped by to offer to fix our truck -- that flash of light was sunlight glinting off the windshield of my old Ford truck and catching my eye

            -- at the time, my old Ford truck was over 20 years old -- it still ran, but not well -- the body was rusted -- the floorboards were rusted through in places -- it didn’t have an air conditioner -- didn’t have much of a heater -- but the worst part was that the radio was broken -- and, like we talked about earlier, I had gotten used to having noise on at all times, especially when I was driving -- probably like most of you


            -- because we didn’t really need the truck, I had parked it on the side of our yard a couple of years ago -- just backed it in the weeds and left it -- didn’t think anymore about it -- but then God sent that flash of light and called my attention to it

            -- I went over to it saying, "No Lord, not this -- I think you’re misunderstanding -- I want a new truck or at least fix my other truck -- I need a radio -- I’ll only listen to good stuff -- I’ll just listen to the radio preachers and Focus on the Family and Adventures in Odyssey -- I need a good, dependable vehicle with a radio, Lord”

            -- light flashed in eyes again -- I sighed and walked over to the truck -- it had weeds growing up through the hood -- that’s how long it had been sitting there -- so I said, “Okay, God, if it cranks, I'll take it as a sign from you."

            -- I pulled the weeds out of hood -- got in -- wiped dust and dirt off the dash -- turned key -- and the thing fired right up -- didn’t hesitate at all -- been sitting there for over a year, and it cranked like it was brand new

            -- and to be honest with you, my first thought wasn’t, “Thank you, God!” -- it was, “Crap.  Now I have to drive this old truck with no radio back and forth to work”

            -- but that’s what I did -- I spent about a month driving that old truck back and forth to work -- all the way with no radio -- six-thirty in the morning -- dark out -- no one else around -- there I am, driving this noisy old truck with no radio to keep me company


            -- I tried carrying a walkman and using headphones -- I tried a tape recorder on the seat -- but the truck was so loud that I couldn't hear over the engine

            -- I finally gave up and rode in silence -- and it was tough -- I’m not kidding -- when you’re used to noise and having the radio there as your companion and you don’t have it -- it’s tough

            -- I tried to sing songs -- then I prayed -- but after a while I ran out of stuff to sing and pray so I just sat there for 30 long miles -- and then in the silence, I started to hear it -- a gentle whisper -- God's voice speaking to me -- asking me, “What are you doing here?”


            -- things started to change in my spiritual life -- God started leading me down paths of intimacy I never knew existed -- I started hearing from God in a new way -- I started responding to God in a new way -- it was at that time that I really started to mature in the faith and began to accept God’s call into the ministry

            -- and, in the silence of that truck -- through that gentle whisper -- God confirmed the call and got me ready to step down this new path that He was leading me -- the path that has led me to this very spot today

            -- and it all came about because of a broken radio and a rusted truck -- it all came about because God put me in a place where I could hear His voice in the gentle whisper of the morning -- He led me to hear Him as He spoke -- and I responded to His word by doing what He told me to do


            -- that is my hope and prayer for us as we begin this sermon series together -- I’m praying that we can all enter into God’s presence in this way -- that we can put aside the noise and the chaos of this world -- that we can learn to quiet the voices competing for our attention -- and that we can hear God when He whispers to our hearts

            -- so, let us pray that we learn how to do that over the next few weeks -- and that we learn how to actively listen to Him -- and then to do more than just listen -- to actually do what He is calling us to do

            -- God is speaking right now -- He’s calling out to you right now -- and we need to learn how to hear Him and respond to Him when He does

            -- with that, let us close in prayer and get ready for the week ahead

            -- let us pray



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