Friday, September 02, 2005


Just received this from Bishop Watson today. Thought I would share, especially for those of you in the south Georgia area. Our prayers and financial/physical assistance continue to go to those affected by the storms. Please share a special prayer for my brother-in-law, Mike, who is in Mobile today bringing food and other supplies to friends and family in the area.
September 2, 2005

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

In the name of Jesus I greet you in love. "Blessed be the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all
consolation, who consoles us in all our affliction, so that we may be able
to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which
we ourselves are consoled by God." (2nd Corinthians 1:3 & 4)

I join with all of you in our heartfelt desire to offer Christ-like care
for the people recently devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The magnitude of
destruction is unlike anything most of us have ever seen in this country.
Our hearts ache as we see so many of God's children suffering.

Offers of help have begun to come to my attention. Thank you.

Our United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is working diligently in
the name of Christ. UMCOR is in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama
mobilizing and offering assistance.

The South Georgia Conference Disaster Response Team is working with UMCOR
to determine the most strategic ways we can be of assistance. As
information comes forth, you will find updates on the conference website, That site will be helpful to you if you are looking for
ways to help others.

The question being asked is how can we be involved immediately. Financial
assistance is the most effective and quickest way we can help. Financial
gifts to UMCOR will make a significant impact on the relief and long-term
recovery efforts. All gifts (100%) given to UMCOR go directly to meet the
needs of hurricane victims. Because of our United Methodist connectional
system and our annual One Great Hour of Sharing offering, no administrative
costs have to be deducted from gifts designated for relief efforts such as

Your local church can forward your gift to UMCOR through the South Georgia
Conference Treasurer's Office, P. O. Box 52101, Macon, GA 31208. Make sure
that the check is marked for UMCOR Advance #982523, Hurricanes 2005 Global.
You can also donate online at or by calling

UMCOR has issued an urgent appeal for flood buckets, health kits and
blankets. You will find more information about this on the conference
website. How you will transport the items you collect needs to be factored
into your planning.

One problem has arisen that we have not seen before. There is a need for
refugee/evacuee housing. We are currently researching ways to connect
people needing shelter with those who can provide it.

In the months to come there will be a great need for volunteer work teams
who are trained to go into the affected areas. Our Disaster Response Team
will be conducting additional training throughout the conference in
mid-September. This information will also be posted on the conference

There is no quick-fix to this devastation. This is going to be a long-term
relief effort. I am confident that the United Methodist people of South
Georgia will unite in responding as Christ would have us do.

Let us continue to be in prayer for all of those affected and those in
ministry to them, and let us give generously to support the massive relief
efforts already underway.

Grace and peace,

Mike Watson

Resident Bishop
South Georgia Area
The United Methodist Church

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