Wednesday, June 23, 2004

All Sins Forgiven?

According to the Bible, in the eyes of God, a sin is a sin is a sin. But, do we really believe that? I would say our actions and our words speak otherwise.

For example, just look at the debate about homosexuality in the context of religion. Homosexuality is a sin, obviously. But why do we concern ourself with it more than we do heterosexual adultery, lying, gossiping, cheating on our taxes. If we believe the Bible, then we would have to believe that all of these are equally wrong in the eyes of God.

Think about convicted killers. Do we really believe that Jeffrey Dahmer deserved forgiveness for the atrocities he committed? Do we really believe that his sins were no worse than the daily sins we commit? What about David Berkowitz, the notorious Son of Sam? He claims to now be a Christian, and has been interviewed on Focus on the Family. An article on Religion News Blog (link here) says that he now listens to the Son of God. Does it bother you that he is forgiven the same as you? Don't you feel that he should suffer more, do more, than us in order to obtain salvation?

Thankfully, that's not the case. Thankfully, we have God's grace and mercy for us all, regardless of the severity (in man's eyes) of the sins we have committed. The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It doesn't matter if you miss it by a mile or by one inch -- you've still missed it. But God's grace and Jesus' blood takes care of our sins once and for all. Instead of being shocked or disbelieving the salvation of people like Jeffrey Dahmer and David Berkowitz, we should instead by praising our Lord and Savior for His incomparable grace and mercy available to us all and praising the Holy Spirit for His work in sanctifying and saving the saints.

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