Thursday, March 25, 2010


To quote Zig Ziglar, every day I read my Bible and the newspaper so I can see what both sides are up to. And, right now, I have no idea what is going on in this world.

I am baffled at the lack of attention internationally to the Iranian nuclear threat. Even if you remove the direct threats to Israel, why isn't the world going ballistic over an avowed enemy nation seeking nuclear weapons? Why aren't the western nations joining together to apply sanctions or other actions on Iran to thwart their head-long pursuit of such weapons? Surely everyone recognizes what Iran is doing and understands the threat a nuclear Iran poses, not only to Israel but to the entire world. So why the inaction?

Along those same lines, I am astounded at how the world, especially the western world, is starting to turn their backs on Israel as they face one of the largest crises in their history. Not since 1967 has Israel faced an international crisis as large as a nuclear Iran, but we quibble over settlements in the capitol of Jerusalem and fiddle while Rome burns and Iran arms. Our country has always been a strong supporter of Israel, but now, as Israel faces its darkest moment as a revived nation, we appear to also be turning our back on our former ally. Why this sudden change in policy? Why this intentional turning away?

We can't blame this all on the current administration. While Obama may not be a strong supporter of Israel, others in his administration and in congress are. I have never been a fan of Hillary Clinton, but her unwavering support of Israel and her call for crippling sanctions has won my admiration. Along those same lines, many in congress, most notably Lindsay Graham and Chuck Shumer have been vocal in their call for sanctions and support of Israel. So, it's not like our country is in the midst of an overall turning away from Israel, and if this is not the case, then what in the world is going on?

As I sought answers for this in my own limited understanding of international politics, I ran across this quote from Joel Rosenberg posted on his website:

"Prophetically, I believe Israel will eventually be isolated from all countries in the world, especially as we approach the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 & 39. Eventually, the Lord will wean Israel off of every nation – including the U.S. – so that the Jewish people only have Him to turn to and depend upon. That said, however, the Scriptures are clear in Genesis 12:1-3 and elsewhere that those who bless Israel, He will bless, and those who curse Israel, He will curse. We want our countries to be blessed by God, to experience repentance and revival and to be blessings to the rest of the world. Now, therefore, is the most critical time for true followers of Jesus Christ to show unconditional love and unwavering support to Israelis and to their Palestinian neighbors. We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We need to show the love of Jesus to every Jew and Gentile in the Holy Land. And we need to strengthen the Church in the epicenter, encourage pastors and ministry leaders, and help them fulfill Isaiah 60:1-4."

Perhaps Rosenberg is correct -- perhaps this turning away is a hardening of the world's hearts towards Israel in order to get Israel's attention. What do you think? Are we seeing the hand of God moving the hearts of the nations against Israel? Are the recent natural disasters that we have experienced signs of God's unfolding prophecy? Is Rosenberg correct in his assertions?

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