Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to Waste a Bible Study

Ran across this quote yesterday in a book I was reading:

"If we do nothing with the knowledge we gain, then we have wasted our study.  Books can store information better than we can -- what we do that books cannot is interpret.  So if one is not going to draw conclusions, then one might as well just leave the information in the texts." -- Brian Sanderson, "The Way of Kings"

This quote makes the same point I have made to our Bible study groups for years.  Going to Bible study, learning about Jesus, and memorizing scripture is of little value if you don't do something with what you have learned.  The point of Bible study is not to gain information, but to act on what Jesus is telling you through the study.

If we fail to act on what we have learned, we are no better than the man James rebukes who looks in a mirror at himself and walks away, promptly forgetting what he looks like.  When God speaks to us, we must act on His command. 

When we gather to study the Bible or to worship God together, our prayer should be, "God, speak to me through your word.  Give me ears to hear your message.  And give me the faith and feet to go forth and do what you tell me to do."

We live in an information age -- an age where we are inundated with information blazing in at us from various sources.  And we live in an age where we have immediate access to more biblical information than ever before, with online commentaries, study helps, multiple Bible translations, and interpretations and sermons from well-known and lesser-known pastors and lay people.  But, what do we do with this information?

I tell people in Bible study there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.  Knowledge is knowing something.  Wisdom is knowing what to do with your knowledge.  As an illustration of the difference, knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting tomatoes in a fruit salad.

What are we doing with the plethora of information we receive everyday, from instant worldwide news to spiritual insights?  Are we using this information to push the gospel forward in the places where we live? Are we following Christ as He leads us into deeper waters with Him?  Or are we merely obtaining knowledge, gathering information, learning more about Him without really experiencing Him in our lives?

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