Monday, September 02, 2013


"It’s interesting to me that Jesus never forced anybody to agree with Him. Instead, He has a quiet confidence. He was responsible to say the truth and to be Himself and he let others take responsibility for their lives.

"He did not use love like money, paying some and withholding from others in an effort to control them. He spoke the truth, He wasn’t offended when people didn’t agree, and He gav...e them their own will to do as they wish.

"But what’s more, He loved them regardless. He loved them whether they followed Him or tried to kill them. He even loved them while they were killing Him." -- Donald Miller

When I read this quote, it really hit home. How often do we find others who only love conditionally, who only love when you have something to give, who only love in an effort to control? How many people are quick to say, "I'm taking my ball and going home," when you refuse to do what they want you to?

Unfortunately, living in a world like this, with people like this, can make you hard-hearted. You begin to question everyone's motives. You begin live in a world of paranoia and distrust. You withhold your love. Oh, that I might be more like Jesus -- that I might be able to love without condition, to love in spite of what others do, to love with true agape.

My prayer for today is to begin living in a world of agape love again -- both in how I love others and in how I perceive and receive love. May my love for others not be selfish or controlling. And may I love others without condition. My prayer for today is to be like Jesus.

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