Saturday, July 09, 2022



I.  Introduction

            -- turn in Bibles to Ephesians 4 -- this morning, we are going to be continuing in our sermon series, “Walking with Jesus,” and will be looking at a passage from Ephesians 4:17-32

            -- while you are finding your place, I want to share with you a story I heard one time about a lady who called her husband who was on his way to work -- when she answered the phone, she told him, “Be extra careful driving today -- the radio said that there’s an idiot on the highway driving in the wrong lane” -- he replied, “I know -- but it’s not just one -- it’s hundreds of them and they’re all coming my way”


            -- while I love the irony in this little joke, in all honesty, this should be a description of us -- we should be going through life in such a way it looks like we are driving in the wrong lane

            -- you see, the majority of those around us are all going the same way -- they are all going in the same direction -- they are following the broad path that Jesus talks about -- the way of destruction -- the way of the world

            -- but as Christians, we are called to go the opposite direction -- to not follow the crowd in the direction the world is going, but to go the other way -- the way of Christ -- the way of the Kingdom

            -- and when you begin walking with Jesus in this way, the world will think you’re off-course -- they will think you are going the wrong way, when in reality, you’re the one who is going in the right direction, and they are not

            -- as Christians, we are called to be counter-cultural -- to go against the flow -- to not walk in the same direction as those around us, but to walk with Christ in holiness

            -- that is what we’re going to talk about this morning, as we look at this passage taken from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Church in Ephesus


II.  Our Former Life (Ephesians 4:17-21)

            -- look with me now in Ephesians 4:17-21


17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.


20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus.


            -- as Paul opens this section of his letter, he makes a demand of the Christians in Ephesus -- contrary to his message in Ephesians 4:1, where he “urged” the Ephesians to live a life worthy of the calling they had received -- here Paul “insists” that they must no longer live as the Gentiles do -- and there’s a reason he does that

-- last week, the passage we looked at dealt with the incorporation of the believer into the church -- Paul was concerned with new believers becoming part of the body of Christ and becoming united with each other -- this is something they need, so he urges them to join with other Christians who can help them in their walk with Jesus

-- in this passage, Paul is trying to get the Ephesian Christians to grow in Christ -- to become mature in their Christian lives by walking in holiness with Christ -- to put it in biblical terms, Paul is insisting that they seek to become sanctified in their daily lives -- that they seek to become more like Jesus every day and live like He did in complete obedience to the Father

-- by insisting on this, Paul makes it clear that this is something that is expected -- this is something that is required if we are to follow the way of Christ -- we cannot move forward in our Christian life until we make a change in who we are and how we live and this begins with our internal thoughts and beliefs

-- so, Paul tells the Ephesians they can no longer live as they used to when they were Gentile pagans -- trapped by the futility of their thinking -- living life based on incorrect beliefs as to what is right and what is wrong -- doing whatever they wanted and following all their desires, regardless of whether they were good for them or not

-- the world, he says, lives that way because they are separated from the life of God -- which leads to dark thoughts and hard hearts and a continual turning away from holiness in behavior and attitude

-- that way of life desensitizes us and causes us to give in to every desire we have -- to continually lust after more and more and to live lives wrapped up in sin and sensuality

-- that’s how you used to live, Paul says, but that is not who you are now -- because you heard and responded to the call of Christ, you have come to know Him in a different way -- you were taught to follow a different path -- to go in a different direction -- based on the truth that is in Jesus

-- you can no longer live as the Gentiles do, Paul writes -- I insist on this, because you can’t walk with the world and walk with Christ -- you must separate yourself from your past and from the way of the world so that you can walk with Jesus in holiness


III.  Called to Righteous Living (Ephesians 4:22-24)

            -- verse 22-24


22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.


            -- Paul tells us here that we were taught a better way -- we were taught a better walk -- a new direction of life with Christ


            -- first, we were taught to put off the old self

            -- by the old self, Paul is referring to our flesh -- our sinful human nature which all of us have and which will still be in us until we are finally carried home to be with Christ in eternity forever -- this old self -- our flesh -- wars with our spirit and continually tries to make us give into temptation and ungodly desires

-- Paul tells us here that we have to “put off” this old self -- through the power of the Spirit within us, we have to choose to not give in to our flesh but instead choose to follow the path of Christ

-- this is a conscious decision we have to make -- this is an action on our part -- we have to choose to let the old go and not give into the old self any longer

-- that’s the first step


-- the next step is to renew our minds in Christ -- to change our minds -- to change our attitudes and our beliefs and our thoughts

-- where the Gentiles lived in the futility of their thinking because they could not comprehend or understand the way of God, we are called to renew our minds through the Spirit so that we can know and live the life God has called us to live

-- our behaviors follow our minds -- so, when our minds change -- when we choose to renew our minds and change our attitudes and beliefs about life and how we do life -- then our behaviors will follow and we will begin to be able to put off the old self and put the flesh behind us

-- finally, Paul tells us that we to put on our new self -- the self created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness

-- it’s not enough to put off the old -- we have to put on the new -- it’s not enough to empty your mind of your old habits and thoughts and beliefs -- you have to create new habits and thoughts and beliefs through the renewing of your mind

-- it is a three-step process by which we put the past behind us and walk forward with Christ in a new direction -- the path of holiness and righteousness

            -- and, keep in mind, this is a process -- this isn’t a once and done type of thing -- you don’t come to church or a spiritual retreat -- make a decision to live a holy life -- get the t-shirt or the little Jesus fish for your vehicle -- and call it done

            -- no, this is something you have to do daily -- this is a process -- it is a new system -- a new way of life -- and it takes time to learn to do this and to begin to mature and grow in grace to the point where you are truly walking with Jesus in holiness

            -- don’t get frustrated if you occasionally fall -- if you occasionally give in to temptation and sin now and again -- the answer isn’t to quit or to think you’ve failed and can’t go on -- the answer is to trust Christ and get up and move forward again

            -- the Christian life is one where you take two steps forward and one step back -- but you keep going on and on -- growing more and more like Jesus -- until you finally become who you are called to be


            -- tomorrow is Juneteenth -- the federal holiday that recognizes the day when the slaves were finally made aware of the Emancipation Proclamation -- if you’re not familiar with the story of this new national holiday, when Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, they were officially free from their many years of servitude -- they were no longer slaves -- they were free men and women

            -- but the news didn’t make it to all of them at the same time -- for almost two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, men and women continued to live as slaves in Texas until General Gordon Granger brought them the news that they were officially free

            -- even then, it was hard for the former slaves to accept -- out of habit and out of their ingrained way of thinking, many of these poor people still lived like slaves and still served their former masters even though the reality was they were not slaves -- they were free

-- so, they needed to learn to live in accordance with the new facts -- when they were tempted to think like a slave or act like a slave, they had to learn to say, “No, that is not who I am -- the truth is I am now a free person” -- and then they had to live in that new truth

            -- the same is true for us -- we need to remember that we have been freed through the death and resurrection of Christ and we are no longer bound by sin and death -- when our old self, with its old habits and old way of thinking tries to assert itself, we need to learn to say, “No, that is not who I am -- the truth is that I am now free in Christ” -- that’s why we need to put off our old self -- renew our minds through the Spirit -- and put on our new self -- it’s because we have been freed and created to be like God in righteousness and holiness -- we must learn to walk in the freedom we have in Christ -- in His kingdom and not following the ways of the world any longer


IV.  Putting Off the Old (Ephesians 4:25-32)

            -- verse 25-32


25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.


29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.



            -- if you’re like me, when you hear Paul’s call to put off the old self, to renew our minds, and to put on the new self, you’re probably thinking, “Yes, but how? -- I’ve tried it before, and it didn’t work”

            -- when I get up on Monday morning, what do I do to follow what God is telling me to do in this passage? -- what does that look like? -- how do I do that in practice?

            -- well, Paul tells us how by giving us several examples that are just as relevant to our modern lives as they were to the Ephesian Christians -- just keep in mind that this is all dependent on your relying on the Holy Spirit within you -- you cannot do this on your own -- you must have God’s help -- you must depend on God to make this happen


            -- Paul says we begin to walk with Jesus in holiness by changing our behaviors and our thoughts -- by changing how we act and think -- he tells us to put off falsehood and speak truthfully to our neighbors -- in other words, don’t lie, even if you say you’re lying to spare the other person’s feelings

            -- people lie to me every single day -- most of y’all did it this morning -- I asked, “How you’re doing?” -- and you all said, “We’re doing good.  How about you?” -- but are you really doing good? -- is everything okay in your life? -- are there things going on in your life that you could use a prayer for? -- pain in your body -- sickness -- financial problems -- worries -- anxieties -- family issues -- we all have things going on in our lives that we need help with, but we don’t want to share them -- and so we don’t tell the truth

            -- Paul says, “tell the truth -- share the truth of your situation with others so that they can pray for you and help you -- tell the truth, because we are called to live in and speak the truth to each other in love”


            -- watch your anger -- if you get angry, don’t sin -- don’t give the devil a foothold in your life

            -- don’t steal -- don’t take what is not yours -- and give what you promised to give -- small steps of dishonesty can lead to a slippery slope of deceit and sin in your life

            -- share with those in need -- give of yourself and your resources to help those around you who need it

            -- don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only speak what is helpful for building others up -- would your social media accounts look different if you did this? -- would your conversations with others look different if you did this?

            -- in verse 31, Paul expands on his examples and says to get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, and every form of malice -- the list just goes on and one

            -- but keep in mind, this is not an all-inclusive list -- these are just examples of things that are the habits and attitudes of our old self -- all of us have our pet sins and our pet habits that are not good -- that we struggle with on a daily basis -- maybe your struggle is with lust or greed or impure thoughts or gossip -- just insert your particular sin or habit in this list from Paul

-- his point here is that things like this are remnants of who we used to be -- and that’s not who we are now -- and when we live like that -- when Christians who are redeemed by the body and blood of Jesus live like the world and live in their old sins and habits, it breaks the heart of God

-- Paul says in verse 30 that we should not grieve the Holy Spirit of God -- when we live like the world -- when we deny Christ and go back to our old ways -- it hurts Him and grieves Him -- just as a parent grieves when a child goes the wrong way -- He knows it’s wrong for us -- and He knows how it hurts us -- and He doesn’t want to see it happen -- so, He grieves when we sin

-- that’s why Paul says we need to put those old habits and sins behind us -- we need to think before we act -- we need to pause before we speak -- we need to put off the old and choose the better way -- leaving the past behind and taking up the better things as we put on our new self in Christ

            -- choose to do as Paul says in verse 32 -- be kind and compassionate to one another -- do unto others as you would have them do unto you -- forgive them, as Christ forgave us -- love them and live with them in love -- as it says in Micah 6:8, God’s call for us is to “act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

            -- this is what it means to put on the new self -- this is the “how” of this passage

            -- we choose to put off the old self and renew our minds through the Holy Spirit so that we can choose to love others and love God with our whole hearts and our whole selves


V.  Closing

            -- in his book, “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years,” Donald Miller tells the story about the daughter of a friend of his -- she was in a bad relationship -- the boy she was with was emotionally abusive -- she lived into the description by which he painted her, which caused her to have a poor self-image and led her into actions and behaviors that were just not good -- her life was in a negative spiral and her future looked uncertain -- as her father said, “She was living a terrible story”

            -- but then something happened -- she went on a mission trip to Mexico and found purpose and meaning through ministering to the children there -- she began to see herself in a different light -- she began to see herself through the eyes of Jesus and not her abusive boyfriend -- and she began to change -- she began living a better story -- the story of who she was in Christ -- the story where she was the hero and not the victim -- the story where she was living in freedom and not slavery

-- and when she got home, the first thing she did was dump her abusive boyfriend -- because, as her father put it, no girl who plays the role of a hero dates a guy who uses her -- when Donald Miller asked his friend how his daughter was after that point, he said, “She’s in a better place -- she knows who she is -- she just forgot for a little while”


            -- that’s the whole theme of this passage -- remember who you are in Christ and live in that image -- you are the sons and daughters of the living God -- you are the sons and daughters of the King -- and you need to live like that

-- Jesus didn't die on the cross so that we might just keep on living like we used to before we came to know Him -- He didn’t die on the cross so that we would continue to walk in sin -- He died so that we would have life -- abundant life -- with Him and so that we would be filled with His Spirit and walk in the light of His love as new creations in Him -- created for true righteousness and holiness

            -- when we fail to live up to this standard -- when we continue to live our old story and grieve the Spirit by living in sin and disobedience as we once did, we are once again putting ourselves in bondage to sin and death just like the freed slaves in Texas -- we are not living our true lives -- we are not living our true story

            -- we have to choose to live better stories -- we have to choose to put off our old selves -- to renew our minds -- and to put on our new selves so that we can be who Christ called us to be

            -- so, as we close in prayer this morning, I want to encourage you to join with me in asking for God’s grace and strength to do just that -- to choose to daily pick up our cross -- to lay aside the old and to take up the new -- so that we might become mature and complete in Him -- growing in grace and walking in holiness with Jesus daily

            -- let us pray


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