Sunday, June 02, 2024



Naylor Community Christian Church


I.  Introduction

            -- turn in Bibles to Luke 5:17-26


Luke 5:17 One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. 18 Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.


20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”


21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”


22 Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 24 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” 25 Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. 26 Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.”


            -- how many of you know who Albert McMakin is? -- well, then let me tell you the story of Albert

-- Albert grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the 1930's -- like most young boys in his day, he spent his days playing baseball with his friends, going hunting and fishing, and in the springtime, helping tend his neighbor's garden -- really nothing that would make him stand out above the crowd

-- but Albert had something in common with the men in the story we just read from Luke -- he was a believer in Christ -- and he was desperate for his friends to come to know Jesus in the same way that he did -- he would share the story of Jesus with them -- he would tell them about what Jesus had done for him -- but they just weren’t interested -- as young men, they had other things on their minds


            -- there wasn't much in the way of excitement or things to do in rural North Carolina in the 1930s -- so when a fiery traveling evangelist named Dr. Mordecai Hamm showed up in town, Albert started going to listen to him every night

            -- in those days, revivals didn't just last three or four nights -- they went on for weeks -- and Albert went every single night -- he kept trying to get his friends to go with him, but they never would -- they were more interested in other things than Jesus

            -- all the while, Dr. Hamm just kept on preaching and getting more and more in the town's business -- one day, he pointed out in his preaching that the town had a house of ill repute and then proceeded to name the townspeople who frequented there -- well, this just set off the town folks, and several of those that Dr. Hamm had mentioned by name decided to go to the tent where Dr. Hamm was preaching and confront him

            -- this was the chance that Albert was waiting for -- he went to one of his friends who had been steadfastly refusing to go see this preacher and asked him if we wanted to go see a fight -- that the townspeople were coming and were going to call the preacher out

-- this got the other boy interested -- he said he might just go to see a fight -- Albert then sealed the deal -- he said, "If you go, I'll even let you drive my truck to the meeting." -- so off they went, Albert and his friend

            -- well, even though Albert's friend had grown up in church and knew the story of Jesus, he heard the gospel in a new way that night -- Dr. Hamm presented it as he had never heard it before, but still he balked -- he just couldn’t go down front -- he didn’t want to be saved

-- so, Albert kept bringing him back night after night -- finally, one night, something about the message just gripped Albert's friend and shook him to the core -- he found himself desperate for Jesus -- he found himself desperate for forgiveness and love and the peace that Dr. Hamm talked about

-- after struggling within for some time as the last hymn was played, he finally made the decision -- Albert watched as his friend got up, went down front, and committed his life to the Lord


-- while you probably haven’t heard of Albert McMakin before, you’ve probably heard about his friend -- Dr. Billy Graham -- arguably, the most famous evangelist outside of the Apostle Paul and John the Baptist

-- the message this morning is not so much about Billy Graham and what he did in his life -- the message this morning is about the Albert McMakins of the world -- those individuals who are desperate for Jesus -- who are desperate to see their family and friends come to know Jesus -- who just go through life quietly -- never making a name for themselves -- just being content with living out the true gospel message in their lives and introducing their friends to Christ

            -- people like the ones we see in this passage here in Luke Chapter 5-- let's look back at this passage in some more detail now


II.  Scripture Lesson -- Luke 5:17-26

            -- look back at verse 17


Luke 5:17 One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. 18 Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.



-- in this familiar story that we find in all four of the gospels, Jesus is in the middle of His Galilean ministry -- He has already delivered the Sermon on the Mount -- and the authority of His preaching -- combined with the miracles and the healings -- have caused people to come from everywhere to hear Him and to experience a miracle through Him

-- as this passage opens, we find Jesus sitting inside a house somewhere in Galilee -- people have come from all the villages of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem to hear Him -- the house where He is sitting is full -- and the people are standing around outside -- straining to hear Him through the open door and windows -- desperately seeking a glimpse of Him

-- as part of that crowd, four men showed up, carrying their paralyzed friend with them on a mat -- obviously, they had heard of Jesus and were desperate for Jesus to heal their friend

-- they tried to get into the house where Jesus was, but there was no way -- the crowd was too thick and the people just wouldn’t move and let them through -- they were faced with a dilemma

-- they could wait until Jesus was done preaching and hope to catch Him as He left -- they could leave and try again another day -- or they could just give up and say, “Well, we tried”

-- but these men obviously cared about their friend -- they were desperate to see him healed -- and they knew Jesus was their only hope -- there was no way this man was ever going to walk again unless Jesus healed him -- and they were not going to give up

-- even though the door was closed and the windows blocked, they were not going to give up -- they were determined to find a way, not matter what it took


-- most houses in first century Palestine had flat roofs, with ladders that led up to them -- because of the heat, the people would seek refuge up there in the evenings and would even sleep on the roofs, because the night wind would keep them cool

-- we don’t know whose house Jesus was in on this occasion, but it appears to be the house of a wealthy man since the roof had tiles above the normal straw and clay that most people used

-- when the four men could not get in the house the normal way -- not even through the windows -- they carried their paralyzed friend up the ladder to the roof and began removing the tiles above the place where Jesus was

-- after removing the tiles, they then dug down through the hardened clay and straw that formed the inner roof -- and made a hole large enough for their friend and his mat to fit

-- I’m sure that all the people knew something was going on -- they heard the commotion on the roof -- they probably saw clay and straw falling down as the men dug -- all eyes were on that spot above Jesus -- and everyone watched as daylight broke through, followed by the paralyzed man on his mat

-- the four men -- desperate and determined to see their friend healed -- lowered him right in front of Jesus and watched through the roof to see what Jesus would do


            -- verse 20


Luke 5:20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”



            -- “When Jesus saw their faith” -- whose faith?

-- the faith of the men who brought their friend to Him -- when Jesus saw the paralyzed man being lowered in front of Him through a hole in the roof, He knew the faith of those men -- He saw their determination -- their desperation -- their belief that He was the only hope for their friend

            -- their faith was expressed through their extraordinary actions -- through their determination and their desperation -- and Jesus saw that and honored their faith

            -- He turned to the paralyzed man and said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven”

            -- these four men had brought their friend for a physical healing -- but Jesus knew his real need -- He knew this man needed the healing of his heart -- He knew this man needed the healing of his soul -- so, Jesus spoke forgiveness in his life and brought salvation to this man because of the faith of another


-- have you ever been that desperate for Jesus? -- have you ever been that desperate to bring a friend before Jesus?

            -- every Sunday, we pray for our family and friends to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus -- we pray for their salvation -- we pray for their healing -- but, too often, we stop there

            -- we say the words -- we ask for healing of bodies and hearts and souls -- and then we go home and wait to see if He responds


            -- Jesus healed this man of his sins because of the faith of his friends -- He healed this man because they acted with determination out of their desperation

            -- they knew Jesus could heal -- they believed that above anything else -- and they knew that if they could just get their friend in front of Jesus, that Jesus would heal him


            -- here’s the questions before us this morning -- are we as desperate for Jesus in the same way as these four men? -- are we as desperate to see our friends healed and forgiven as they were?

            -- if so, then what roof do we need to tear apart to bring them to Jesus? -- what actions should we take that will bring them to the cross and to the place where they can be healed and forgiven, as the paralytic man was?


            -- let’s go on and finish this story -- verse 21


Luke 5:21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”


22 Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 24 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” 25 Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. 26 Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.”


            -- when Jesus told the paralyzed man that his sins were forgiven, we read that the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves that this statement was blasphemous -- that no one could forgive sin except God -- implying, of course, that there was no way that Jesus was God

            -- I think it’s interesting that the Pharisees and the teachers of the law were in the room -- they were there with Jesus even though they had no faith in Him -- they didn’t believe He was God -- as we see in the gospels, they didn’t believe in Him or His teachings at all -- they thought they knew all the answers -- and they didn’t need Jesus for anything

            -- how common is that in our day? -- how often do we think we have it all together and don’t need Jesus for anything? -- how often do we become so comfortable and complacent in our religion that we can be in the presence of Jesus and not even know who He is or comprehend what He can do?

            -- at the same time, those who are desperate for Jesus are often left outside our churches -- they want Jesus -- they need Jesus -- they just can’t get to Jesus because others are blocking the way

            -- we need to know these people -- we need to find these people -- we need to help them to find Jesus and to know Him so that they can be healed and experience the saving grace and mercy He offers


            -- knowing the thoughts of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, Jesus proves His authority to forgive sin by physically healing the paralyzed man -- He tells the man to get up, take his mat, and go home -- and the man got up, and left the room, praising God for all that had been done to Him

            -- this is a reminder to us of what the miracles and healings in the Bible were -- they were given as signs to affirm the deity and authority of Jesus -- the miracles were not just performed because Jesus could do them -- they were performed to point people to Jesus -- to lead them to the truth -- to lead them to salvation and the healing of their hearts and souls

            -- I think it’s important for us to notice here that the physical healing was given only as a sign -- the true healing that was given because of the faith of his friends was the forgiveness of sins

            -- too often, we seek healing of the body above healing of the heart -- we seek a physical healing in place of a spiritual healing -- desperation and determination will always cause a response from God, even if the response is not what we want or what we are hoping for

-- God is always going to give us what we need -- He’s always going to give us His best -- even if we don’t recognize it at the time


III.  Application

            -- so, what is the take-home message from today’s story of the four men and their paralyzed friend?

            -- the big take-away is that we have to learn to be desperate for Jesus, just as these four men were desperate for Him -- it is in our desperation -- it is in the moment of our need -- that we truly turn to Jesus for who He is -- that we truly turn to Jesus for healing and help

            -- we need to learn to seek Jesus first -- to long for Him -- to long for His presence in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends above all else


-- in Psalm 63, David wrote, “You, God, are my God -- earnestly I seek you -- I thirst for you -- my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water…your love is better than life”

 -- David understood what it meant to need God desperately -- his soul thirsted for God in the same way our bodies thirst for water in a dry and parched wilderness

-- David was so desperate for God -- he desired God so much that without Him, he would perish

            -- this needs to be our perspective on God, too -- we need to desire God -- to seek God -- to be desperate for God

-- to want Him and cry out for Him and to need Him in just such a way -- we need to remember why we are here -- we need to remember that God is the most important thing -- and we need to learn to seek God and trust Him as David writes about in Psalm 63 and as the four men in this passage displayed in their determination to see their friend healed


-- Francis Chan wrote, “I also believe that the Spirit is more obviously active in places where people are desperate for Him -- humbled before Him -- and not distracted by their pursuit of wealth or comforts (like we are) -- God delights in showing up when His people are in desperate need of Him, because that means no one else can steal His glory -- I want to live in such a way that I am desperate for Him to come through.”


            -- that is the desperation and faith that we see in these four men who were willing to break down walls and tear through roofs in order to get their friend before Jesus -- because they knew that Jesus was the only hope he had


            -- I think it’s important, too, to recognize that these men had made friends with someone who had problems -- they made friends with someone who had needs in their life -- who didn’t have it all together -- with someone who needed help

-- with the way the world is today, our first instinct a lot of the time is to withdraw -- to pull back into safe communities of faith and to isolate ourselves from the world -- from those who think different from us -- who look different from us -- who have obvious need for healing and forgiveness in their lives

            -- we need to remember what the Bible teaches -- that we are to be in the world, just not of the world -- we are to be ambassadors in this foreign land -- representatives of the Kingdom of God -- those who know Jesus and are desperate for Jesus above all the world has to offer

            -- that means that we need to go out into the world and make friends with those who are not Christians -- with those who are not like us -- with those we may not even like, but who we are called to love

            -- and once we have made friends with them -- once they know that we love them and genuinely care for them and would dig through a roof for them -- then we need to do whatever we can to introduce them to Jesus -- to be desperate and determined to get them to Jesus -- so that He can make them better and heal them of all that is wrong, just as He has healed us of our sins and sicknesses, too


            -- and, finally, we need to keep in mind that the world and the devil are going to throw up obstacles in our path to keep us from carrying our friends to Jesus -- just like in this passage, when these men tried to carry their sick friend to Jesus, they were faced with an obstacle -- the crowd was too big -- they couldn't get through the door -- there was no way for them to get their friend to Christ

            -- what would you do in a situation like that?  -- what would you do if you were trying to get your friend to come with you to meet Christ and things got in your way and the path got difficult? 

            -- would you just shrug your shoulders and say, "Well, I tried.  If God wanted it to work out, He would have made a way." 


            -- what are we going to do when we invite our friend to church for the umpteenth time and they say, "Nope, not today." -- are we going to give up? -- or are we going to do like these men with their paralytic friend? -- are we going to do like Albert McMakin -- are we going to be persistent and determined and desperate to bring our friend to Christ?

            -- we need to realize that when we try to bring our friends to Christ, obstacles are going to come up -- Satan doesn't want us to succeed in our quest, and he is going to do anything he can to keep our friends away from Jesus -- the world is going to try to lure us away with its siren song of wealth and power and prestige -- but if we trust in the power of God -- if we pray with all our hearts for our friends to be able to hear the gospel and to receive the gospel, then miracles will happen

            -- miracles happen and hearts are healed and sins forgiven when we refuse to let a few obstacles in our path keep us from carrying our friends to Jesus -- when we persist with the knowledge that this is the will of God -- that all should be saved and come to put their faith and trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior

-- when we step out on the promises of God, knowing that with Him all things are possible -- then our friend will meet Christ and He will see our faith and miracles will happen before our eyes

            -- I've seen it myself -- I have seen lives changed and marriages mended, and broken hearts healed, all because a good Christian friend persisted in bringing the sick to the Savior

            -- we can never give up -- even if that means we have to tear a hole in the roof to get our friend to come in the church --even if that means we have to let our friends drive our new truck to the revival -- whatever it is -- we can't give up, because our friends need a touch from the Master's hand


IV.  Closing


-- if we are to truly find Jesus and live for Him with our lives, we have to be desperate for Him -- we have to want Him more than anything else -- we have to have a desire for Him and a desire for others to come to know Him more than anything else


-- it’s like Natalie Grant sang in her song, “More than Anything”:


“Help me want the Healer, more than the healing

Help me want the Savior, More than the saving

Help me want the Giver, More than the giving

Oh, help me want You, Jesus, More than anything”


-- that’s where we need to be in our lives -- that is the place where Jesus wants us to be

-- so, let us leave here seeking to be desperate for Jesus and for those who don’t know Him -- desperate to live our lives wanting Jesus more than anything -- and desperate for those around us to know Him more than anything, even if that means we have to tear our roofs apart to see it happen

            -- let us pray

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