Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Putting Faith into Action

On Sunday I issued a challenge to our members and visitors to put their faith into action this week through the simple act of service, the act of ministering to another person in Christ's name. As members of Christ's holy church, we are called to be His body -- His hands and His feet and His voice -- in this world. When we meditate on that fact, we are generally led to the impression that we should go forth and evangelize. And, yes, we should. But we should also seek to minister to others without the necessity of evangelizing -- loving our neighbors as ourselves -- simply through serving them.

Just today, I was reading about a church in Pasadena, CA, that is actively serving others in this manner. They go to an area where day laborers concentrate looking for work, and offer them cool drinks and sandwiches as they wait. They offer to pray for the laborers, but no attempt at evangelism is made. The church members are simply serving where Christ has put them -- putting their faith into action.

In Matthew 25:35, Jesus said, "When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me." Who have you fed this week? Who have you offered a drink to this week? Who have you welcomed in the name of Christ? Look for ways to serve this week, and let others see your faith in what you do.

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