Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saturday Selections

12 December 2015

1.  Current Favorite Song: Good, Good Father by Chris Tomlin:  This is an awesome praise song that reminds us of just who God is and who we are in His sight.  This song has been meaningful to me in my worship over the past several weeks.  You can see the You Tube video of the song here.  

2.  Interesting video of the week:  Irish reporter warning people to not go out in the midst of a severe storm (see it here)  -- Listening to her passionate warning made me consider how we fail as Christians to passionately warn others of the dangers of living lives apart from God, how it is our job to call out to them and warn them of the treacherous path that lies ahead and to point them to salvation and security through Christ.

3.  This week's Bible verse:  John 2:5 (NIV) His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” -- How better off would we all be if we just heeded Mary’s instructions to the servants at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee...

4.  Prayer Focus: Pray that the good news of the coming of Christ would be heard by all this Advent season.

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